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Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
for North American Missions
 National Offering Goal: 78 Million

KBA Women's
Spring Inspirational Meeting

March 24th, 6:30 pm
Sharon Baptist Church
Guest Speakers: Dave & Judy, South Asia

Upcoming Events

Pastors Conference, Tuesdays @ 10:30am KBA Office​​​​​


March 22 GBMB East Georgia Missions Summit,

9:00am - 1:00pm

March 24 Women's Spring Inspirational Meeting, 6:30pm

April 25-26 GA Baptist Women's Spring Event, Abilene BC in Martinez

April 26 Disaster Relief Training, FBC Thomson

April 27 KBA Great Commission Rally

May 2 Association VBS Clinic, Wrens BC @ 6pm

May 8 KBA Truck-loading Day for Children's Home, deadline 12 noon at KBA Office

July 12-18 West Virginia Mission Trip


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Kilpatrick Baptist Association

March Newsletter 2025

Missionary Moment

by Tim Batchelor


 I am overwhelmed by the concern for Susan’s health that has been expressed by so many from our churches, across our state, nation and literally from people we know from around the world. One of the most encouraging statements I hear nearly every day is, “I have You and Susan on my prayer list, and I pray for you every day.” It is a humbling thing to know that so many care enough for Susan and me to remember us in prayer daily because people pray about the things you care about. You tend to pray about most the thing you care about most. 

       I am grateful that Baptists are praying people and are particularly persistent at praying for folks who are suffering. Those prayers show how much we care about the condition of the people around us. I believe that we need to broaden our burden to include the spiritual condition of people around us and in the world. May we make sure our prayer list contains the names of missionaries and mission fields, pastors and church leaders, the lost or backslidden and of course our churches. May we persevere in that prayer realizing that the Lord works in answer to prayer.  

Read more


FBC Thomson: Young at Heart Luncheon

Tuesday, April 8th @ 11am More Info​


New Hope BC: Axios "Come As You Are" Youth Worship, April 18th, 6:45-8:45 pm More Info


New Hope BC: Community Wide Tent Revival, April 18th-20th, 6:30 pm More Info


Damascus: Organ for sale​​​​​

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East Georgia Missions Summit
Do you want your church to become even more engaged in missions? Are you a mission-minded pastor or staff member, a mission team leader or member, or a potential missions leader? If so, then join us at the East Georgia Missions Summit!

National Hills Baptist Church
Saturday, March 22nd
Registration: $10 includes lunch and materials

WV/VA 2025 Registration Information is Available Here:

May 2nd, 6PM
Wrens Baptist Church

more details

KBA Media
Center Update

We have several new Bible Studies that you will want to explore in the KBA Library. Most come with video access to help with your preparation and presentation. Take a look at our new listings, then stop by to check out the Study Guide.

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5 Ways to Encourage Others


“All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need. Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, whom the apostles call Barnabas (which means “son of encouragement”), sold a field he owned and brought the money and put it at the apostles’ feet.”   Acts 4:32-37

  • We need more encouragement in the workplace, homeplace, and in our churches.

  • Here in these scriptures, we’re introduced to Barnabus, which is translated in the Greek “encouragement”, we see this is not the name given to him by his parents, but the name the Apostles gave him. (36).

  • Barnabas was an encourager because he was a follower of Christ. A saved life is a changed life. Not only was his name changed but he changed through the new birth. (Galatians 2:20).

  • This should be in all of us as professing Christians.

  • The only way we will be encouragers or receive encouragement is through Jesus Christ.

  • We will not be encouraged by looking at this broken world or the people living in it but focusing on Jesus.

  • So, back to “encouragement” which is also translated “parakletos,” that’s the Holy Spirit.


See More. . .


Physical Address:

1784 Wrens Hwy

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 895

Thomson GA 30824

Email Address:


T: 706 595 5324



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