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This is a fabulous time to prayerfully consider oering Children’s Bible Drill to the precious children in your church. Bible Drill is a very, very valuable intentional discipleship for children to read and know God’s word and to share their faith. Life long skills develop in 3rd– 6th graders that mold them into the young man or woman God wants them to be! Information concerning Georgia Bible Drill can be found at


Betsy Milburn (Bible Drill Leader at Wrens Baptist Church) will be more than happy and excited to train anyone interested. She can be contacted at The following is an essay written by a High School Bible Driller from the Augusta area who has been speaking English for approximately 5 years. Bible Drill impacts lives, not only the students but the leaders as well.



Again, pray and ask God to plant the seed in your church


Betsy Milburn, HBA/KBA Bible Drill Consultant 

"Hello! My name is Maria. I am one of eight siblings, and the oldest out of five that were adopted. God chose the perfect family for me and my siblings. When my parents adopted me, my mom began to teach me how to read. It was hard and confusing at first, moving to a new home, but God had a plan for me. In this home, I learned many things and visited many new places. One of the things that I learned most about was the Bible. I was so amazed how God created the world and that is when I asked Him inside of my heart. Later I was baptized and I continued to learn more about God. I was always shy and did not like to talk in front of people, but God was growing me. I joined the High School Bible Drill. When it became too hard, especially the public speaking aspect, I wanted to give up. God helped me press on and I did not give up! I competed on many levels, finishing with the State Bible Drill level. Through my first year in Bible Drill, I learned to face my fears, trust in God, bury God’s word in my heart, and that God will walk with me through hard times. I am so thankful for my family, for those who serve with the Bible Drill and for Jesus, my Savior."

  High school Bible Driller in Augusta, GA


Physical Address:

1784 Wrens Hwy

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 895

Thomson GA 30824

Email Address:


T: 706 595 5324



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